A disclosive weblog on my company's background to counter intended and automatic misinformation by a bank which by an unfair credit report tries to keep away all other banks and other funding sources that are otherwise interested in the business plans of the company and its directors....

RTI Applications sent to RBI and Federal Bank

Monday, January 22, 2007
(Sent in company letterhead, rejected on the grounds that RTI Act does not cover companies, so reapplied again as an individual on February 15, 2007 with fee.)


Whitefield Cottons P Limited
389/1 Perundurai Road
Erode 638011
Tamilnadu India
Tel ++91 424 4030334
++91 93641 00639

addressed to:

Shri N P Topno
General Manager designated CAPIO under RTI Act
Department of Banking Supervision
Reserve Bank of India
Central Office, Centre 1,
Reserve Bank of India,
Mumbai 400 005

Shri D P Sudhaker
General Manager designated CAPIO under RTI Act
Inspection Department
Reserve Bank of India
Inspection Department
C-7, 7th Floor
Bandra-Kurla Complex
Reserve Bank of India.
Mumbai 400051
Telephone 022 26572301

Sub: Information Requested under the Right to Information Act

Ref: Our letter dated 27 November 2004 addressed to the Executive Director, Department of Banking Operations and Development / Banking Supervision, RBI; Your letter RBI IECD No 4329 / 04.02.03 / 2003-2004 dated March 25, 2004 sent to PDEXCI; minutes of the meeting with us at the office of Mrs Makhija, Chief General Manager at her office at Mumbai on 29th March, 2004; Our letter dated September 2, 2003 addressed to Smt. P.K. Makhija, Chief General Manager, Industrial and Export Credit Department, Our email messages sent to The CGM and Executive Director on August 31, 2003; Our complaints to the RBI on March 1, 2002, our complaint with Banking Ombudsman filed on August 28,2002, our email dated August 31, 2003, various other letters and email messages from Power loom Development and Export Promotion Council (PDEXCIL) and Whitefield Cottons P Limited on the same subject on various dates.

Please provide us the following Information:

  1. Details of the dates of RBI's inspection of Federal Bank, Erode and details of the other offices of Federal Bank inspected based on the above complaint, names and designations of RBI officers who formed part of the inspection team.
  2. A copy of the Inspection Report (s)
  3. Details of documents examined at the Erode Branch and other offices of Federal Bank; Details of records examined of the Bank's internal investigations of two of the officers whose irregularities / frauds compromised on the integrity of the accounts at the Branch.
  4. Details of all communication from Federal Bank received by the Reserve Bank of India concerning Whitefield Cottons P Limited
  5. Information whether Federal Bank declared Whitefield Cottons Private Limited is an NPA and if RBI had approved such a status declartation; If so, copies of all reports that RBI had taken into account in according such a status.
    Information whether Whitefield Cottons Private Limited is in the RBI list of defaulters. If so, copies of all reports that RBI had taken into account in according such a status.
  6. Information whether the names Muthusamy Sivasubramanian (or as Sivasubramanian Muthusamy ) and Umamaheswari Sivasubramanian (or as Umamaheswari Sivasubramanian or as Jagadisan Umamaheswari or as Umamaheswari Jagadisan) are in the RBI list of defaulters. If so, copies of all reports that RBI had taken into account in according such a status.
  7. Copy of RBI's General and Special directives restricting commercial banks from entertaining applications for different forms of credit from companies / individuals listed in the list of NPAs / defaulters.
  8. List of Credit Appraisal Bodies (such as CRISIL and SMERA) in India and various credit appraisal bodies abroad among whom RBI's list of NPAs and defaulters is circulated.
  9. Details of procedures adopted by RBI to lift the NPA status of a company / Defaulter status of a company and its Directors, hitherto classified as an NPA / Defaulters and the removal of individuals' names from the list of defaulters, when the liability in question is cleared or disproved or annulled.
Thank you.
For Whitefield Cottons P Limited

Muthusamy Sivasubramanian
Managing Director Page 2 of 2

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Muthusamy Sivasubramanian
389/1 Perundurai Road
Erode 638 011

The Deputy General Manager
Bhattad Tower, I Floor,
30,West Cott Road
Chennai 600 014
Phone No: (044) 28587516


Sub: Information required under the Right to Information Act of 2005


Email message from from cotton@whitefieldcotton.net sent on 7 July 2002 on the subject "Request for a comprehensive statement of accounts" to federd@md4.vsnl.net.in with a copy to padmakumar@federalbank.co.in
Letter from Assistant General Manager, Federal Bank dated 18 th July Ref No GAD/S32/MDS 649/02

Email message from cotton@whitefieldcotton.net to federd@md4.vsnl.net and padmakumar@federalbank.co.in dated 19th July in reply to your letter GAD/S32/MDS 649/02
Various other communications from M/s Whitefield Cottons P Limited to Federal Bank on the above subject.

I, as an individual, and as a person with responsibility as the Managing Director of Whitefield Cottons P Limited, Erode, apply for the following information:

Statement of Accounts:

  • A comprehensive, integrated statement of accounts of various interlinked transactions of the PCL, FUBP/FDDP/RABC, Current Accounts No 5893&5986 and Deposit accounts in the name of the Company/Directors of Whitefield Cottons P limited Erode with Federal Bank Erode since May 1996 clearly and legibly showing date wise
  • Details of all packing credit loans released to Whitefield Cottons P Limited, datewise.
  • Rate of interest and periodic interest charged on Packing credit loans
  • Other charges on account of packing credit loans.
  • Details of all Export Proceeds routed through your bank since May 1996 with clear and legible break up of how the proceeds were internally transferred between accounts such as FUBP/FDDP/RABC/Current Accounts, how the proceeds were broken up into internal adjustments of PCL Repayments, PCL Interest, FUBP/FDDP/RABC interest, bank charges, debits towards ECGC premiums from the bank, money withheld by the bank in the form of deposits in the name of the company Whitefield Cottons P Limited and its Directors Muthusamy Sivasubramanian and Umamaheswari Sivasubramanian, details of amounts paid out from various accounts of Whitefield Cottons P Limited and from the savings accounts of Directors Umamaheswari Sivasubramanian and Muthusamy Sivasubramanian on various dates, datewise, particulars of all other bank charges and explanations to entries such as "Backdate Correction" as seen in Current Account statements, with legible.
  • The net date wise debit and credit balance of the period since May 1996 in the account of Whitefield Cottons P Limited.
  • Copies of all reports, explanatory communication and defensive statements sent by various offices of Federal Bank to the Banking Ombudsman, various departments of the Reserve Bank of India, various ministries of the Government of India on various dates concerning Whitefield Cottons P Limited
  • A copy of the Memo from the Regional Office, Chennai to the Bank's Head Office reporting administrative irregularities by Mr Gnanadurai Balraj, Senior Manager, Federal Bank during 1997-2000, based on which memo an investigation was carried out by the Vigilance Department of the Bank. Copy of the entire investigation report or extracts of the investigation report pertaining to reference of how accounts at the branch were compromised by the administrative irregularities.
  • Details pertaining to internal and external investigations of fraud/irregularities on the conduct and integrity of Mr Rajan George, designated Officer-Foreign Exchange at the Erode branch with details of findings pertaining to how the integrity of the accounts at the branch were compromised.

Thank you

Muthusamy Sivasubrmanian

Encl: Prescribed fee of Rs 10 by UTI Bank, Erode DD No 30213 dated 14 Feb 2007.

1 comment:

Ganpat said...

As per RTI Act, only an individual citizen is entitles to seek information. An application by a company for information under RTI will not be entertained and is bound to get rejected on grounds of technicalities.

To overcome this I suggest that the MD of Whitefield Cottons, send an application in his individual capacity.

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